Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Circulation for your Hands & Feet

After a busy day of working, whether in your garden, kitchen, office or just a very hectic day, I hope this might give you some relaxation  and relief.

For many people bad circulation can be a problem, especially in your hands and feet. Your ankles and feet can swell for many reasons. including arthritis, rheumatism, varicose veins, high blood pressure, fluid retention and even constipation. Resting your feet up  is always an effective measure.

To help treat your feet and hands here is a very simple recipe:
Circulation Oil Blend
6 tablespoons sweet almond oil
2 tablespoons safflower oil
40 drops of geranium oil
20 drops of lavender oil
Blend the oils together and put in a small clean glass bottle. Rub a little of the blend on yourself from your hands to your elbows ad from your feet to your ankles.

Geranium (Pelargonium graveoloens)
The oil is distilled from the leaves of this herb (known as "rose geranium) and smells like a combination of  rose, citrus and herb. A light adrenal-gland stimulant and hormonal noramlizer, geranium treats PMS, fluid retention, sterility, and helps to regulate blood pressure. It is a versatile skin treatment  and reduces inflamation, infection, and can heal passive - agressive nature.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Distilled from the herb's flower buds, this sweetly floral aroma is also herbal, with balsamic undertones. Lavender treats lung, sinus, muscle pain, headaches, insect bites, inflammation. It also helps boost the immune system,  relieve exhaustion, and insomnia.

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