Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gift Giving with Herbs & Your Garden's Harvest Merry Christmas!

There is nothing comparable to receiving a gift that is handmade from the giver!

Sandy Bates making candles
In our very busy hectic, fast paced lives, it is so special when someone decides to take the time to make gifts to give to family and friends for Christmas.

I was amazed last weekend, when my gardening and herb friend, Sandy Bates decided to do just that. She brought a harvest from her own gardens in Austin, and we got to work!

Sandy reminds me of the song, "Love is all around" because she is an amazing successful business woman, gardens, cooks, has a family and has just authored, are you ready for this....... The Social Innovation Imperative, published by McGraw Hill. The kindle edition comes out this month and is available on amazon and the hardcover copy comes out January 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Social-Innovation-Imperative-Products-Challenges/dp/0071754997

In the song, if you are older and remember it goes this way:
Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkuEfGZffRY&noredirect=1
Over the afternoon, Sandy made candles, potpourri, scented pinecone fireplace starters, and herb vinegars!

Sandy Bates
Over the years Sandy has worked with over 50 companies spanning dozens of industries and more than 100 innovation initiatives, helping executive teams launch award winning products, services and programs. She has engaged and trained hundreds of executives in Outcome-Driven Innovation Methodology, allowing her to enjoy both consulting and teaching others.
I hope that all of you can see by now why I am so impressed that this very busy woman took "the time" to handmake her Christmas gifts with a harvest from her own gardens in Austin.

"The only gift is a portion of thyself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

For recipes to make your own herb vinegars go to our blog from August 7, 2011

Sandy making herb vinegars

Sandy making scented pinecone fireplace starters

For other homemade recipe ideas go to http://www.urbanherbal.com/recipes/index.htm

                                                       "God waits to win back his own flowers as gifts from man's hand." - Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds, 1916

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
Roy & Bill Varney
Bill in the garden during winter